Preparing for Sunday: January 30, 2022

Photo by ilixe48 on canstockphoto

The text for this upcoming Sunday comes from Luke 4:21-30. You can read the text by going here.

Here are some questions to think about the text:

1.  The crowd tells Jesus that they want him to do what he did in Capernaum.  Why did they say this?  Do you think it came from belief or faith or did it come from wanting to be entertained?

2.  Is there teaching from Jesus that bothers you?  Why do you think that is?

3.  Have you ever faced an angry crowd? How did that feel?

4.  Why did Jesus tell those two stories from the Old Testament?  What was he saying about the crowd?

5.  The word “gospel” means good news. Is there ever a time that good news doesn’t sound like good news?

What are your answers? What are your questions? Feel free to share them by responding to this post in the comments section or sending an email to

You can also watch the video below: