Preparing for Sunday: February 13, 2022

Preparing for Sunday is a weekly time to prepare for Sunday worship. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, Preparing for Sunday is a time to step away from the busyness of the world and reflect on what God is saying to us.

The text for this Sunday comes from Luke 6:17-26.

Here are some questions to think about the text:

1.  This passage is like a passage found in Matthew 5-7.  The difference is that in Matthew, Jesus gives this talk on a mountain.  Here in Luke, it’s on a plain. Does geography make a difference?

2. In Matthew, Jesus talks about people being blessed.  Luke talks about certain people being blessed, but Luke adds who will be the subject of woes.  Why does Luke contain this but Matthew doesn’t?

3.  Luke talks about the poor, the hungry which is different from Matthew which talks about the poor in the spirit or those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  Is there a difference?  Why is there a difference?  Is one story better than the other?

4.  Are the woes about some future punishment or are they talking about what is happening at this moment?

5.  Which camp do you feel you’re a part of right now, feeling blessed or feeling woe?

6. How do you think his crowd accepted his teaching?  If you were in the crowd, how would you feel?

What are your answers? What are your questions? Feel free to share them by responding to this post in the comments section or sending an email to

You can also watch the video below: