Holy Week 2021 at First Christian

Holy Week 2021.png

Holy Week 2020 was unique in that it was all virtual because of the cornavirus pandemic. This year with the advent of vaccines, our Holy Activities are a hybrid of online and in-person. You are invited to join us in one of the most sacred times for followers of Jesus Christ.

Palm Sunday (March 28)- We will have our Palm Sunday service online on YouTube with palms and the shouting of hosannas. Join us!

Maundy Thursday (April 1)- Join us on Thursday, April 1 for a special Maundy Thursday service. We will begin with dinner at our homes at 6:00 PM. Starting a 6:30 PM we will start the online portion of the service with a short reflection on the scripture and communion. Join us on Youtube and Facebook Live for this unique experience.

Please download the attached file which you will use at 6:00 PM.

Easter Sunday (April 4)- Join us for Easter Sunday worship on the Lawn of First Christian! We will have an outdoor worship service and communion at 10:00 AM on Sunday, April 4. We will be masked and practicing social distancing. Hope to see you there and invite a friend!