Express God's Gratitude through Project Abundance

Jesus is Lord. That phrase might not mean much to us, but it bothered those in power in Rome. They were supposed to be the power that people followed. Jesus challenged that, by asking followers to make Jesus not Ceasar lord over our lives.

Discipleship is about following Jesus and to follow means placing everything in God's hands, like our checkbooks. This spring please consider taking part in Project Abundance. Most of us will receive a stimulus check from the Federal Government in the coming weeks. In an act of discipleship and justice, consider giving a portion to First Christian. When you give to the Mission Fund, we will give it three groups that reflect our value of diversity: Dream of Wild Health, Ujaama Place and the Coalition of Asian American Leaders. Prayerfully consider the amount of your gift and then give online (choose mission in the dropdown menu) or by check. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to walk in God's way of justice.