2021 Stewardship Drive

Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the Lord’s purpose will succeed.
-Proverbs 19:21


Epiphany 2021

Dear Friends,

If the verse above seems familiar, it’s because it was used in the Christmas letter sent out last month. In that letter, I focused more on the first part of Proverbs 19:21, today I want to talk about the latter half. As humans, we have a myriad of plans, but 2020 reminded us that even the best of plans go awry. But even though our plans might not come to fruition; God’s purposes will always succeed. The question for Christians is how are we fulfilling God’s will?

What is God’s will for First Christian Church of St. Paul in 2021? Throughout 2021 we will be discerning just what God is calling this community to do and be in the world. This will be a pivotal year regarding the future of this congregation. Discerning God’s will requires us to prepare in many ways and one of those ways to prepare is in the stewardship of our resources. How are we using the gifts we receive; our time, our budget, our resources including the church building, to the glory of God? 

As we discern God’s will, we are called to be faithful. One way we can be faithful is how we support the mission and ministry of our congregation. This is why we are asking you to state what you plan to give in 2021.

So, why do we need to tell the church what we plan to give? 

Making a pledge for the year allows First Christian to actually plan for the future. What do we want to do in the coming year? How much does the church have to pay the rent or pray for lawn care? Having pledges help us to prepare for the coming year as best as we can. 

The second reason is that stewardship is about the care of resources given to us by God. Stewardship is a way to publicly say we are pledging ourselves (not just our money) to God for the sake of the world. This is a public act saying that we are committed to God and to this faith community.

Finally, stewardship is about giving First Christian a future. This is not just about finances, but about the mission and ministry of our church. Stewardship reminds us that God is not done with First Christian as we work to and plan to engage our communities for the glory of God.

Looking Forward to 2021

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, we are asking you to prayerfully consider what you plan to give in 2021. Doing this allows us to more accurately plan not just our expenses in the coming year, but also plan for future ministry and mission. Our 2020 budget is $47,000. This includes salaries for the staff, utilities and supplies. Our budget goal for 2021 is $50,000. Below is a brief description of how we want to enter into God’s dream through our budget in 2021.

  • $1000 for Mission: Throughout the year, we have donated our loose change to our faith partners. This will continue, but it is also important to have money set aside for missions when needs arise like the disturbances following the killing of George Floyd.


  • Improved technology: The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has forced us to see how integral technology is to the vitality of the congregation. There is a need to upgrade our technology. We plan to upgrade our internet to handle the increased web traffic, a newer computer in the church office, a new church management system, and a new security system.


  • Expanded worship and music: In 2021, we hope to better plan for guest musicians to fill in for our great musicians, Momoko and Luke or to provide additional music. We also hope to open the church to more musical events.

We Ask For Your Support

We don’t know what lies ahead of us in 2021. However, we remain confident in the assurance of God’s abiding and steadfast love. Your generous and faithful gifts, allow us to keep doing what love requires of us through life-giving, joyful ministries both inside and outside the walls of our congregation.

You pledge or donate by using the form included in the mail sent out this week or you can fill out the form online, by click on the button below.  We will accept pledges until February 8, 2021.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.



Dennis Sanders, Pastor
Lisa Smith Winn, Board Moderator
Beth Hamilton, Treasurer