Weekly Check-in: Your Baptism Matters.

Sunday, December 12, 1976.

There are a number of dates that are seared into my consciousness…May 31, 1987 when I gradudated from high school, September 8, 2002 when I was ordained or September 15, 2007 when I got married.

Then there’s December 12, 1976 when I was baptized. It’s an important date because it reminds me of when I was told by God that I am welcomed and claimed as part of God’s family. As a 7-year-old, I didn’t know it then, but I would come to see this event as crucial especially as I came to terms with being gay. Remembering my baptism helped me remember that I was loved by God.

In this week’s Weekly Check-in, I remember my baptism and suggest that we should all “remember” our baptisms-even if we were baptized as babies.

-Pastor Dennis