Weekly Check-in: Does God Care About Classified Documents?

The mishandling of classified documents is all the talk of Washington.   This all started late last summer when we learned former President Donald Trump took a number of classified documents with him to his Florida home.  At the time President Joe Biden spoke out against former President Trump calling the his handling of top secret documents as irresponsible.  The President asked “How could that happen?”

Months later we learn the President also had a number of classified documents in his possession, first at a think tank in DC and later at his private home in Delaware.  Things got even more complicated when former Vice President Mike Pence discovered classified documents in his Indiana home.

It’s easy to get into the partisan strum and defend whatever side you tend to agree with. But what gets missed is that people in power seem to have one set of rules and everyone else has a different set of rules. Federal employees would lose their jobs for mishandling the documents while people who are privvy to some of the most sensitive information are not punished.

In this week’s Weekly Check-in, Pastor Dennis Sanders looks at the documents drama in light of Micah 6:8 and wonder what is it that God desires for us and how we are called to live.