Unfinished Devotion-Feburary 27


Psalm 139:1-10

I think, sometimes, if we were really honest, we could admit we believe that there are parts of ourselves that God does not love. That if God really knew us, really saw us, that God would not, could not, love all of who we are. And that’s simply just not true. Psalm 139 reminds me regularly that God knows me, all of me, sees me, loves me and stays with me. God sees, knows, loves, stays. What a set of promises! This psalm says that no matter where we are or in what circumstance, God is there. Every time we aren’t sure God is there, every time we aren’t sure God loves us, it is precisely then where God shows up to remind us yet again. If I’m honest, there isn’t a day I don’t need this reminder set before me. There is always something making me think I am unworthy. There is always something making me feel like I need to run away and hide. There is always something making me wonder if God really IS with me.

But that’s why we have this promise in the psalm today: no matter where we find ourselves, God will be there. My own paraphrase of this part of Psalm 139 says:

On the best of days - God is there. And on the worst possible day of our lives - God is there. Say it with me. God is there. There is no place that God can’t be. Name a place. God is there. Name a moment. God is there. God is in birthing rooms and nurseries. God is in chemo centers and oncology wards. God is in cars on the freeway and on couches in homes. Heaven or hell. Land or sea. Near or far. Good or bad. God is there. Seeing all of you. Knowing all of you. Loving all of you. In all of it.

Prayer: Ever-present God, thank you for seeing me, knowing me, and loving me. Thank you for being with me through my own struggles with trusting your presence, and thank you for being the God who stays. Amen.
