The World Is About to Turn-2020 Advent Theme

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Though I am small my God, my all you work great things in me
And your mercy will last from the depths of the past to the end of the ancient be
Your very name puts the proud to shame and to those who before you yearn
You will show your might put the strong to flight
for the world is about to turn

-Canticle of the Turning

In the first chapter of the book of Luke, Mary breaks out in song, just like we were watching a musical. This song, called the Magnificat, is a song Mary sings to God about the situation she finds herself in. Just a few verses before, Mary was told she would give birth to a special child, the son of God, Jesus. And who was she? She was a teenager living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Mary was supposed to be the type of person that no one was supposed to pay attention to. It was the “movers and shakers” that were supposed to be the ones that made things happen, but in this situation God chose her and she had to give thanks to God for choosing her and for what God was about to do in the world with the arrival of Jesus Christ.

The 2020 Advent theme is “The World Is About To Turn.” Based on the Magnificat and the 1990 hymn called the Canticle of the Turning by Rory Cooney. Advent is a time of expectation and waiting. It’s also a time of being aware of the times we are living in and longing for the coming of God. But the coming of God is going to be upsetting because it will turn things around.

Join us starting November 29 as we reflect on Christ’s coming that will turn our congregation, our community, and our world upside down.