In Person Worship Resumes May 2


We will resume in-person worship on Sunday, May 2 at 10:00 AM. Worship is not going to be like it was before the pandemic. Instead, we will follow COVID-19 Guideline for the near future. You can download a copy of this document, but here are the guidelines in order to have a safe worship experience:

  • Everyone will be asked to wear a mask and social distance.

  • Coffee Hour will remain suspended for the near future.

  • Only the musicians will be allowed to sing.

  • We will use individual communion packs instead of communion trays.

  • People will come forward to give their offering.

  • There will be no passing of the peace.

  • We will continue to provide video to those who don’t feel comfortable attending in person.

We will also begin livestreaming worship on May 2. Please be aware in advance that there might be some problems with the live stream since it is the first time we are doing this. Welcome back!